Visual Check: Standing in Front of a Mirror
- Stand with your hands on your hips and shoulders straight.
- Look at your breasts for any visible changes such as:
- Size, shape, or symmetry: Are both breasts even in size? Do you notice any unusual swelling?
- Skin texture: Watch for dimpling, puckering, or bulging of the skin.
- Color changes: Redness, soreness, rash, or any unusual color on the breast, areola, or nipple.
- Nipple changes: Check for any nipple inversion (turning inward) or discharge.
- Raise your arms and repeat the check for the same changes in both breasts.
Physical Check: Laying Down or In the Shower
- Position yourself: When lying down, the breast tissue spreads out more evenly. This makes it easier to feel for any lumps.
Use your opposite hand: Use the pads of your fingers (not the tips) from the opposite hand to examine each breast.
Use a systematic pattern:
- Wedge Pattern: Start from the nipple and move outward in wedges, like slices of a pie.
- Vertical Strip Pattern: Begin at the top of the breast and feel down in straight lines, moving across the entire breast.
- Circular Pattern (Clock Pattern): Start at the outer edge of the breast and move in a circular motion toward the nipple.
Use a systematic pattern:
Apply different levels of pressure:
- Use light pressure to feel tissue just beneath the skin, and firm pressure to feel deeper tissue near the chest and ribs.
What to Look For During the Physical Check
- Any lumps or thickened areas that feel different from the surrounding tissue.
- Tender spots, areas that feel painful, or any discharge from the nipple (aside from breastfeeding).
What to Do If You Find Something Unusual
- Don’t panic if you detect any of these symptoms. Most changes in breast tissue are not cancer.
- However, it is essential to see your doctor as soon as possible to have any symptoms examined.
Regular self-exams help you become familiar with your breasts and notice any changes early on.
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