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Article: Embrace & Honour the Women in your Life this International Women's Day

Embrace & Honour the Women in your Life this International Women's Day

Embrace & Honour the Women in your Life this International Women's Day

On International Women's Day, we at GROUND Wellbeing want to take a moment to celebrate and honour the women who have shaped our brand and our mission. Our commitment to providing a space for wellness and self-care stems from our belief in Grá Mná, or love for women.

From our very beginning, GROUND has been led and nurtured by a team of incredible women. Our signature aromatherapy products began at the kitchen table of our founder Peigín, alongside her mother Karin, and her two daughters Bella and Anna Louise. We know that when women come together with intention and purpose, magic happens. To this day, we are still guided by an outstanding group of women, with Peigín at the helm. We aim to continue inspiring and empowering each other and all the women in our lives. It is vitally important for us to stay true to our values, to have a positive impact on the wellness and self care habits of those we come in contact with and the fundamental principle of Grá Mná.

While it is imperative that we acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of women, it is of equal importance to celebrate the women in our lives for who they are, regardless of their accomplishments. It's essential that we create a nurturing environment where differences are valued and celebrated, and to hold space for ourselves and each other with love and compassion. Let's recognize and appreciate the unique qualities that we each bring to the world, not just in what we do but also in who we are. A simple but profound reminder that when we wake each morning we are worthy of love and celebration; for all that we are, for the impact of our presence, for the ways in which we think and for how we relate to and support one another. Before any of our to do lists get completed. As women, we all have something different to contribute to our shared experience, and every aspect of our being is worthy of celebration. So, let's take this opportunity to celebrate not only the achievements of women, but also the beauty and diversity of womanhood itself.

It's essential that we come together to support and uplift the women in our lives, showing appreciation for their individuality not just through our words but also through our actions.

Whether we can physically hold our loved ones or simply wrap them up in our loving words it is important to embrace and honour the women in our lives, today and every day. At GROUND, we talk about the importance of learning to 'Tóg go bog é', or 'take it softly', emphasising the importance of creating mindful moments of self-care and supporting each other in prioritising our well-being. This Women's Day, let's make a conscious effort to appreciate and take care of ourselves, as well as the incredible women around us. Let’s make a conscious effort to acknowledge and cherish the distinctive qualities that each of us brings to the world.

So as a group, let us all use today to reach out to the important women in our lives and express our appreciation for them! This small gesture can have a profound impact and create a ripple effect of positivity that extends far beyond just one day.

To shop our range of Grá Mná gifts, you can find the edit here

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